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Authors: Mitra, Jogendranarayan
Keywords: Demand and Supply
Elasticities of Demand and Supply
Demand for a Good and the Seller's Revenue
The Stability of Market Equilibrium
Theory of Consumer Behaviour
Ordinal Measurement of Utility and the Indifference Curve Theory of Consumer Behaviour
Choice Under Uncertainty and Economics of Information
Theory of Production
Theory of Cost
Pricing in Product Markets: Perfect Competition
Pricing in Product Markets: Monopoly
Perfect Competition and Monopoly-Analytical. Exercises
Pricing in Product Markets: Monopolistic Competition
Pricing in Product Markets: Oligopoly, Duopoly, and Bilateral Monopoly
Factor Pricing and Employment under Perfect Competition
Factor Pricing under Imperfect Competition
Interest Theories
Capital Markets and Investment Decisions of the Firms
Welfare Economics
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd
ISBN: 978-93-5428-064-1
Appears in Collections:Economics

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