Education : [1101] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 1101
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Preparing Leaders for Tomorrow:Jha, Bharat
2022Relating Policy to Practice:Dalal, Laven
2022Handbook on Teacher Thought, Action and JudgementDua, Dharesh
2022Digital Literacy:Khanna, Bhavesh
2022BRICS:Mahajan, Kairvi
2022Education Landscape and the Leadership Approaches to Face its ChallengesSachdev, Bhagat
2022Educational Testing Service and its Contributions to the Advancement of Human AssessmentBiswas, Bhanu
2022Gender and the ClassroomJain, Daksha
2022Civic and Citizenship Education on the International StageKashyap, Laven
2022Higher Education:Hans, Gavaskar
2022Internet and its Impact on Research, Collaboration and Scholarly PublishingMallick, Jevan
2022A Study of For-Profit Colleges and Universities:Mital, Ishayu
2022A Collection of Adaptable and Evidence-based Policy for Teachers and School LeadersChawla, Lomesh
2022Higher Education and Self-Directed Learning:Seth, Divyesh
2022Adult Education and Learning:Chowdhury, Nishant
2022Mathematics Education:Trivedi, Jaganarayan
2022Basic Education:Chowdhury, Bharati
2022Providing Future Secondary Teachers with a Mathematics EducationKashyap, Lavanya
2022Rethinking Information Technology Education for SchoolsMathur, Jaidev
2022Diversity and Challenges:Ali, Aasif
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 1101