Economics : [756] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 756
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Lean Innovation :CROSS, BARRY L.
2019BEHAVIORAL ECONOMICS :Corr, Philip; Plagnol, Anke
2019Behavioural Economics and Finance :Baddeley, Michelle
2016Challenging Southeast Asian Development :Rigg, Jonathan
2020Chinese Foreign Policy An IntroductionLanteigne, Marc
2018Ecological risk assessment : innovative field and laboratory studiesTannenbaum, Lawrence V.
2010; 2010Dynamic sustainabilities : technology, environment, social justiceLeach, Melissa; Leach, Melissa; Scoones, Ian; Scoones, Ian; Stirling, Andy; Stirling, Andy
2020Comparative Employment Relations in the Global Economy :Frege, Carola; Kelly, John
2018Derivative Pricing : A Problem-Based PrimerLo, Ambrose
2017Critical Issues in Contemporary China Unity, Stability and Development Second EditionTubilewicz, Czeslaw
2019Critical Issues in Contemporary JapanKingston, Jeff
2016Doing EconomicsSmith, Peter
2016East Asian Regionalism :Dent, Christopher M.
2016Ecomedia :Rust, Stephen; Monani, Salma; Cubitt, Sean
2018Economic Development and Governance in Small Town America :Bliss, Daniel
2019Economic Foundations of Law Third EditionSpurr, Stephen J.
2016Economic Growth and Sustainable Development Second editionHess, Peter N.
2016Economics of Nuclear PowerRothwell, Geoffrey
2019Energy and GeopoliticsHögselius, Per
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 756