Sociology : [270] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 270
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017GETTING MARRIED :Yodanis, Carrie; Lauer, Sean
2019Global Gender Politics :Runyan, Anne Sisson
2019Bayesian Demographic Estimation and ForecastingBryant, John; Zhang, Junni L.
2019How to Read Ethnography :Blasco, Paloma Gay y; Wardle, Huon
2019Kinship and Gender :Stone, Linda; King, Diane E.
2019Language, Gender, and Sexuality :Kiesling, Scott F.
2020Learning Critical Reflection :Béres, Laura; Fook, Jan
2019Living Out Loud :Murphy, Michael J.; Bjorngaard, Brytton
2018Young children and their communities: understanding collective social responsibilitySykes, Gillian; Teszenyi, Eleonora
2016POLITICAL ,. -- and MILITARY SOCIOLOGY:Neovi M., Karakatsanis; Jonathan, Swarts
2016Modern Arabic Sociolinguistics :Albirini, Abdulka
2015Systems Theory and the Sociology of Health and Illness:Knudsen, Morten; Vogd, Werner
1983The Alienated Mind:Frisby, David
2015The Ashgate Research Companion to Black Sociology:WrIGHt II, Ear L; WaLLaCE, Edward V.
2015The Longue Durée of the Far- Right:Saull, Richard; Anievas, Alexander; Davidson, Neil; Fabry, Adam
2013The New Sociology of Knowledge:Pfadenhauer, Michaela
2016The Passion for Music: A Sociology of Mediation:Hennion, Antoine
1943The People of Aristophanes:EHRENBERG, VICTOR
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 270