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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 613
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015The President, the State and the Cold Wa of Truman anr :Bilsland, James
2017Saudi-Iranian Relations since the 1990s :Alsultan, Fahad Mohammad; Saeid, Pedram
2017Racial Harmony Is Achievable :Haas, Michael
2015Presidential Rhetoric from Wilson to Obama :Widmaier, Wesley W.
2016Post-Communist Aesthetics :Pusca, Anca M.
2013Managing Regional Energy Vulnerabilities in East Asia :Daojiong, Zha
2017Creative Involvement :Wang, Yizhou
2017Creative Involvement :Wang, Yizhou
2014Contentious Integration :Chung, Chien-peng
2017Clinton, New Terrorism and the Origins of the War on Terror:Tsui, Chin-Kuei
2014Christians and the Middle East Conflict:S. Rowe, Paul; A. Dyck, John H.; Zimmermann, Jens
2017World Heritage Sites and Tourism :Bourdeau, Laurent; Gravari-Barbas, Maria; Robinson, Mike
2017War Memory and Commemoration:West, Brad
2017Valuing World Heritage Cities:Vahtikari, Tanja
2016The Slave Ship, Memory and the Origin of Modernity:Hudson, Martyn
2017The Amusement Park :Wood, Jason
2016Spatial Cultures:Griffiths, Sam; von Lünen, Alexander
2017Memory and Forgetting in the Post-Holocaust Era :Baer, Alejandro; Sznaider, Natan
2017Historic Newspapers in the Digital Age:Gooding, Paul
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 613