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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 201 to 220 of 613
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014The Loudons and the Gardening Press:Dewis, Sarah
2017The Gamin de Paris in Nineteenth-Century Visual Culture :R. Brown, Marilyn
2014The Festivalization of Culture:BENNETT, ANDY; TAYLOR, JODIE; WOODWARD, IAN
2018The Concept of the Animal and Modern Theories of Art:Grén, Roni
2016The Aura of the Word in the Early Age of Print (1450–1600):Buskirk, Jessica; Mareel, Samuel
2014The Ashgate Research Companion to Giorgio Vasari:CaSt, Dav Id J.
2017Representing Duchess Anna Amalia’s Bildung :Lindeman, Christina K.
2017Renaissance Porticoes and Painted Pergolas :Nonaka, Natsumi
2015Regarding Manneken Pis :Emerson, Catherine
2017Propaganda and Nation Building :Hora, Kevin
2017Private Collecting, Exhibitions and the Shaping of Art History in London :Pierson, Stacey J.
2017Postcolonising the Medieval Image:Frojmovic, Eva; Karkov, Catherine E.
2017Place, Space, and Mediated Communication :Marvin, Carolyn; Hong, Sun- ha
2017Pilgrimage and Politics in Colonial Bengal :Ramos, Imma
2017Photography, Natural History and the Nineteenth-Century Museum :Davidson, Kathleen
2015Old Women and Art in the Early Modern Italian Domestic Interior:Campbell, Erin J.
2014News and Civil Society :BIRkS, JEn
2017Nature and the Nation in Fin-de-Siècle France :Dandona, Jessica M.
2017Natural Materials of the Holy Land and the Visual Translation of Place, 500–1500:Bartal, Renana; Bodner, Neta; Kühnel, Bianca
2015Masculinity in Contemporary Quality Television:Albrecht, Michael Mario
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 201 to 220 of 613