History : [613] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 221 to 240 of 613
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Louisa Waterford and John Ruskin :Ings-Chambers, Caroline
2017Liminalities of Gender and Sexuality in Nineteenth-Century Iranian Photography :Scheiwiller, Staci Gem
2015Global Manga:BRIeNZA, CASeY
2013Eighteenth-Century Thing Theory in a Global Context :BAIRD, ILeANA; IONeScU, CHRISTINA
2014Design for Policy:Bason, Christian
2017Design for Health:Tsekleves, Emmanuel; Cooper, Rachel
2015Design Attitude:MICHLEWSkI, KaMIL
2014Design at HomeLees-Maffei, Grace
2017China in Symbolic Communication:Yan, Sui
2014Africa’s Lost Classics:Bisschoff, Lizelle; Murphy, David
2015Aesthetic Hybridity in Mughal Painting, 1526–1658:Gonzalez, Valerie
2017Debates in History Teaching, Second EditionDavies, Ian
2016El mundo hispanohablante contemporáneo :Mojica-Díaz, Clara; Sánchez-López, Lourdes
2017Entangled Heritages :Kaltmeier, Olaf; Rufer, Mario
2020Giving Preservation a History:Mason, Randall; Page, Max
2018Growth, Decline, and Regeneration in Large Cities :Koven, Steven G.; Koven, Andrea C.
2016KEEN’S Latin American Civilization :Buffington, Robert M.
2016KEEN’S Latin American Civilization :Buffington, Robert M.
2018PaleobotanyTorre, Daniel Dela
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 221 to 240 of 613