History : [613] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 261 to 280 of 613
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018The Cold War in East AsiaLi, Xiaobing
2020The Global Economy :Amatori, Franco; Colli, Andrea
2016The Hollywood War Machine:Boggs, Carl; Pollard, Tom
2019President Donald Trump and his political discourse: ramifications of rhetoric via TwitterLockhart, Michele
2020THE HOLOCAUST:Bartrop, Paul R.
2018Politics is a joke! : how TV comedians are remaking political lifeLichter, S. Robert; Baumgartner, Jody C; Morris, Jonathan S.
2018Palestine and the Palestinians (2nd ed.)Farsoun, Samih K.; Aruri, Naseer H.
2018Latin American political history : patterns & personalities (1st Ed.)Schneider, Ronald M.
2018Globalization and DevelopmentSantos, João Heitor De Avila
2019A Concise History of the Middle East:Goldschmidt, Arthur; Al-Marashi, Ibrahim
2019Forgotten queens in medieval and early modern Europe : political agency, myth-making, and patronageSchutte, Valerie; Paranque, Estelle
2020TurkeyCengįz, Fatįh Çağatay
2020Settling the Good LandDelahaye, Agnès
2021Karl Radek on China : documents from the former secret Soviet archivesPantsov, Alexander V.
2021Subjectivation and CohesionBuckel, Sonja
2020The Western Wall : the dispute over Israel’s holiest Jewish siteCohen-Hattab, Kobi; Hattab, Cohen
2004Athenian political oratory: sixteen key speechesPhillips, David D.
2005England in the later Middle Ages: a political historyKeen, Maurice
2020Europeans and AfricansTymowski, Michał
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 261 to 280 of 613