History : [613] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 281 to 300 of 613
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016“Comfort Stations” as Remembered by Okinawans during World War iYunshin, HONG
2020Power and Impotence :Santos, Fabio Luis Barbosa dos
2020Fidel in the Cuban Socialist Revolution :Lara, José Bell; León, Tania Caram; García, Delia Luisa López
2019Ethiopia in Theory :Zeleke, Elleni Centime
2019Marx on Campus :Peter, Lothar
2019None so Fit to Break the Chains :Swain, Dan
2020The Individual in African HistoryWalraven, Klaas van
2022Aesthetic Cosmopolitanism and Global CultureCicchelli, Vincenzo; Octobre, Sylvie; Riegel, Viviane
2022European SocietyMartinelli, Alberto; Cavalli, Alessandro
2021Caesarism and Bonapartism in Gramsci :Antonini, Francesca
2020Art and labour :Beech, Dave
2021Red banners, books and beer mugs :Bonnell, Andrew G.
2022Empiriomonism : essays in philosophy, books 1–3Bogdanov, Alexander; Rowley, David G.
2022A Philosophy for Communism :Sotiris, Panagiotis
2022Ernst Bloch’s Speculative Materialism :Moir, Cat
2022Nietzsche, the Aristocratic Rebel :Losurdo, Domenico
2022Workers’ Self-Management in Argentina :Vieta, Marcelo
2002English political culture in the fifteenth centuryHicks, Michael
2014Bismarck : a political history (2nd edition)Feuchtwanger, Edgar
2004Athenian political oratory: sixteen key speechesPhillips, David D.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 281 to 300 of 613