Botany : [302] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 181 to 200 of 302
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Photosynthesis, Water Potential and Plant CellsVaughan, Piers
2018Fundamentals of Microbiology DNA and Gene ExpressionBuckland, Kevin
2018Plant Diseases Virus, Bacteria and MycologyForsyth, Angela
2018Technique of Genetic Variation in Plant BreedingMarshall, Heather
2018Plant Genetic Resources, Quantitative and Genetic VariationMcGrath, Michael
2018Structural Analysis of Plant Breeding in Genetic ResourcesHarris, Leonard
2018Plant Cells and Water in Essential MineralsMacdonald, Amelia
2018Phytochrome Gene and Signal Transduction in PlantsEdmunds, Leah
2018Mode of Reproduction on the Genetic Variance in Plant BreedingHill, Lisa
2018Genetically Modified Plants and their Role in Plant Growth PromotionEdmunds, Anthony
2018Branching Regulation in Gene and Phytochrome SequencesInce, Dorothy
2021Alternative Fuels: Assessment and AnalysisTalwar, Prisha
2018Biotchnological Applications of Microbial Cellulases : Production, Characterization and ApplicationsBuckland, Benjamin
2018Techniques of Plant Breeding and Cell StructureOgden, Jasmine
2018Nucleus Cell Membrane and Structure of Cell WallKing, Keith
2018Modem Genetics Analysis: Integrating Genes and GenomesDickens, Simon
2018The Nature of Our Humanity: Ethical Issues in Genetics and BiotechnologyEllison, Bernadette
2018Physiology and Biotechnology Integration for Plant BreedingPaige, Lisa
2018Underutilized and Underexploited Horticultural CropsBailey, Gavin
2018Recent Developments in Biocontrol of Plant DiseasesSutherland, Joshua
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 181 to 200 of 302