Mass Communication : [311] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 311
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Social Media and the Law :Stewart, Daxton R.
2016The elements of blogging: expanding the conversation of journalismLeccese, Mark; Lanson, Jerry
2019The discursive power of memes in digital culture: ideology, semiotics, and intertextuality (1st ed.)Wiggins, Bradley E.
2015The discourse of public participation media : from talk show to twitterThornborrow, Joanna
2018Same-sex marriage and social media : how online networks accelerated the marriage equality movementGibson, Rhonda
2018Russia’s Liberal Media : Handcuffed but FreeSlavtcheva-Petkova, Vera
2021Technology-Based EntrepreneurshipHayes, Jake
2021Social Business IntelligenceFox, Thomas
2021Basics of Social MediaHamblin, Bailey
2021Social Media OptimizationDuncan, Darcy
2012Race and news : critical perspectivesCampbell, Christopher P.
2009Origins of mass communications research during the American Cold War: educational effects and contemporary implicationsGlander, Timothy
2016Business journalism : a critical political economy approachShaw, Ibrahim Seaga
2018Media in War and Armed Conflict : The Dynamics of Conflict News Production and DisseminationFröhlich, Romy
2010Media convergence : the three degrees of network, mass, and interpersonal communicationJensen, Klaus Bruhn
2014Media and the sexualization of childhoodGunter, Barrie
2011Journalism after September 11th (2nd ed)Zelizer, Barbie; Allan, Stuart
2011Global mobile mediaGoggin, Gerard
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 311