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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 106
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Mathematical Modeling:Yazdi, Aydin
2021Mathematics for Business, Science, and TechnologyManuti, Amelia
2021General Topology and Algebraic TopologyLakner, Alenka
2021Probability, Statistics, and Random ProcessesBaggia, Zoltán
2020Fundamental of Research Methodology And StatisticsMonck, Nick
2020Optimization Methods and their Application in StatisticsGoodey, C. V.
2020DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICSMratinković, Aleksandar
2016Problem solving techniquesSavage, Trudi
2016EStimation theory and applicationsClouse, Ginny
2021Artificial Neural Networks: Techniques and ApplicationsDevi, Laxmi
2018Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics an IntroductionHarris, Austin
2020Wavelet Analysis and Multiresolution MethodsBuckland, Anthony
2020Foundations of Digital Logic DesignBlake, Amanda
2020Foundations and Applications of Statistics:Edmunds, Alan
2020Applied Nonparametric Statistical Methods Using R:Smith, Heather
2020Introductory Statistics with RWalker, Max
2020Fundamentals of BiostatisticsBeer, Jamar
2020Optimization:Mackenzie, Adrian
2020Statistical Analysis of Management DataSkinner, Amy
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 106